
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Becoming a Smart Martha

About 4 years ago, Jacob and I were at daily mass. On that particular day the gospel reading was the well known Mary and Martha gospel. You know the one where Martha is running around trying to get everything done and Mary is hanging out with Jesus. Martha gets fed up and asks Jesus to get Mary to help her only to find that Jesus says Mary has made the right choice in what to do. As Fr. Roberto begins his homily he starts to describe the characterics of Martha using terms like, worrying over little things, stressing to get the house clean and so on. At this point my then 7 year old turns to me and whispers, "You're just like Martha, Mom." 

Fast forward 4 years and I'm visiting the gift shop at the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland and I spot this.
to purchase click here

I knew I needed this book. If I'm going to be Martha, I at least needed to be a "Smart Martha"

According to Tami Kiser, author of Smart Martha, "The Smart Martha" way is for women who want to get their work done, yet know that their first priority is to look for and always be attentive to Christ, who is present."

Smart Martha's find Christ present in their families, understand the need to be both Mary and Martha and find practical ideas to take care of their household. 
By drawing from her real life experiences of raising 9 children, Tami shares how she learned to manage it all and while I only have 2 children to manage her tips for household organization have become a valuable tools in our home. 

Some chapters that really spoke to me where Chapter 6 - Memories - In the Corner of our Closet. As a scrapbooker I collect everything my kids have ever done and since I'm very behind in my scrapbooks those items just sit and create clutter. One of Tami's ideas is that each of her children has a memorabilia box and she also created a rotating art gallery on the wall to display all her children art work.

Also Chapter 7 - The Heart of the Matter - this chapter shares the importance of your true presence to your children and really hit home to me. Since my work is in ministry and in essence for God, I sometimes forget that my first priority is my vocation as wife and mother, not as a youth minister. Tami also shares the importance of four areas that lead your family to God - reading, the arts, nature, and service. Our family has reading and service down but we need to work on nature and the arts. 

This is certainly a book that I will be reading over and over again. There is so much useful information that I know during each new reading something will hit me that I missed the first time or even 2nd time around. 

In addition to her book Tami also founded the Smart Martha website. On her website you can even find more tips to being a Smart Martha and also find information on Smart Martha Seminars. I would really love to attend one someday. If you are looking to add to your summer reading list, I hope you consider this helpful book. I know you will not regret it. 

Until next time,


  1. I'm adding this to my reading list as I need to find balance in my life. I'm probably more inclined to be a Mary than a Martha IN my house right now. (Or, should I say the wreck of a house that needs some good cleaning!)

    1. I'm happy to hear that. I hope you get lots of ideas from the book like I did.


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